Rotation Head

The MPL14230-2 rotation head is now available as an option for both the standard 200D and the new 200D-LS machines. It’s simple design and easy maintenance provide trouble-free operation for many hours.

Key Features

  • Kohler KD425-2 18.8HP diesel power pack
  • Hydraulic pump single Vi-volo 22cc p/rev (per revolution)
  • 70L Hydraulic oil tank
  • 4L Diesel tank
  • 12v DC electrical system
  • Lockable tool box 1470mm (L) x 600mm (H) x 470mm (D)
  • 2 pack epoxy enamel paint (Customer to specify colour)
  • Removeable wooden headboard
  • Hose burst protection on all soft hydraulic lines
  • Removeable side posts (all around)
  • Wireless remote pendant functionality
  • Robust design and construction



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& Consumables

We have a complete range of down hole tools and consumables to support exploration rigs for start-up and continued operation, SCX can offer competitive tooling packages with the sale of drill rigs.